The symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder are likely same as anxiety, depression and organic mental disorder. Assess the following symptoms when caring of posttraumatic stress disorder patients:
- Substance abuse
- Headache
- Memory (attention deficit)
- Pain
- Feeling of detachment and guilt
- Inability to feel emotions
- Impulsive behavior
- Anxiety of depression
- Nightmares
- Emotional lability
- Acting out, reliving traumatic experience
- Safe and effective care environment
- Physiological integrity (to reduce or eliminate physiological symptoms of stress)
- Psychosocial integrity
There are four stages of implementation regarding Posttraumatic Stress Disorder patients:
- Recovery: to assist patient to realize that he/she is safe
- Avoidance: to provide support while patient attempts to suppress thought of traumatic experiences
- Adjustment: to assist patient to alter environment if needed.