Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder is a type of anxiety disorder whose essential feature is recurrent obsession, persistent, intrusive ideas, thoughts, impulses or images, or compulsion. Compulsion means repetitive, purposeful and intentional behaviors performed in response to an obsession. The person may have both obsession and compulsions that can disrupt normal activities. An example of this disorder is excessive and repeated hand washing to ward off infection.

A person act compulsive behavior patterns can decrease the anxiety that associated with the obsessive thoughts and during stressful time, the ritualistic behavior will be increased. Most of the patient with obsessive compulsive disorder has variety of defense mechanism include repression, displacement, and undoing.

Cause of obsessive compulsive disorder was rare. Some reports have linked obsessive compulsive disorder to head injury and infections and about 20% of those with this disorder have motor tics related to tourette syndrome.

  • Try to identify the situation that precipitates the behavior.
  • Do not interrupt the compulsive behavior.
  • Allow time for the patient to perform the compulsive rituals.
  • Keep the client safety
  • Make a schedule for patient that can distracts from the ritual.
  • Set limit on the ritual.
  • Encourage the patient to verbalize concerns.
  • Establish the written contract that can assist to decrease the frequency of compulsive behavior.

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