Abuse and Neglect: Assessment Questions Guide

When caring patient with abuse or neglect, this Assessment Questions Guide will help you to give care properly.

  1. Sometimes women (or men or children) are forced into sexual activity. Has this ever happened to you? Has anyone ever suggested they wish to engage you in sexual activity even when you’ve resisted?
  2. If the client is pregnant—Since you have been pregnant, have you been hit, slapped, kicked, or physically hurt in any other manner by someone?
  3. Has anyone failed to help you when you needed help?
  4. I noticed that you have a number of bruises. Can you tell me how they happened? Has anyone hurt you?
  5. You seem anxious. Has anyone ever hurt you or threatened to do so? Are you ever afraid of anyone close to you, such as your
  6. partner, caretaker, or any other family member?
  7. Sometimes clients tell me that they have been hurt by someone at home or work. Is this happening to you?
  8. Has anyone ever prevented you from seeing your friends or family members?
  9. Have you ever been pressured to sign papers you did not understand or did not wish to sign?

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